“Ladies and gentlebirds, it is with great honour that I present to you: Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane, the heir and the sixth generation of the Le Bel family” the announcer called out, and with that, the doors opened and Sakuya stepped forward as polite claps echoed throughout the large room.

After all, it was not his responsibility to question it or care."Do not waste energy on worrying for those who do not hold a pure bloodline"Remembering that sentence from his father, Sakuya took a deep breath and stood in front of the grand doors that lead to the grand ballroom of the mansion. With an experienced ease, Sakuya forced himself to bury the thoughts of the lower class and how they are treated. How he hated them.He hated how these cracks made him feel worthless while they threatened shatter everything he has ever known. Sakuya easily recognized them.How could he not when he has seen them his entire life? As these cracks were created by his own imagination and always formed whenever he dared to doubt his rightful place within the world. Politeness and respect is the most important thing within the noble and high-class community but yet, it is never given to those of lower birth, even though they too, worked for their worth and wealth.Suddenly, small black cracks ran up the marble walls surrounding him. But yet, as left the room, Sakuya felt a heaviness in his heart that threatened to overwhelm him. That was not the noble way, that is not what he was taught.
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After all, he was the heir of the Le Bel family, a noble of great privilege, wealth, and responsibilities, plus like his father always said:"It was not the bulb of a light you admired, but the shade and pole that holds it together"And so, Sakuya blanked the two tailors just like he was taught and silently put on his black gloves before leaving the room, ignoring the angry glares the two commoners gave him.He was above them both he should not need to thank them for their paid services. He then looked towards the two tailors and for a brief moment, he wondered if he should thank them for their service.But what was the point? Wasn't it their job him in the clothes they created? If anything, THEY shouldn't be thanking him. “That it is” Sakuya simply said with a tone as flat and empty as a piece of paper, stepping off the little fabric stool with the elegance of a Swan. He cannot allow any of them to judge him harshly. Everybirdie attending knows who he is and what title he carries. In reaction, Sakuya shifted this way and that, his sky blue eyes looking for any imperfections.

“Is the outfit to your pleasing Master Sakuya?” asked one of the tailors. First, he must stand in front of his luxurious golden mirror within his bedroom, and let the tailors expertly fit him in a figure-hugging dark blue tuxedo with golden flower stitches.He must stand here like a scarecrow so he could be transformed into the image of wealth and perfection.

After the first was literally blown up by the Christmas obsessed hybrid children Miru and Kaku, Sakuya had a lot to prove.Everything must go as planned tonight.Everything must be perfect and so, Sakuya had it all planned from the very last detail and second. Tonight was the launch of the second Le Bel Christmas party.