

  1. #Pixelconduit manual
  2. #Pixelconduit skin

#Pixelconduit manual

Manual kelvin adjustments will also be verified. The outdoor preset will need to be checked for adjustments that allow 5600k to be spot on. On the scope, the knee will move your highlights something like a full 40IRE up and down! So my hope on this camera is to calibrate everything to the 3200k "indoor" setting, then include appropriate WB revision values which allow accurate push to white balancing for A and B. Someone mentioned on an online X70 review that the knee didn't change anything for them. I should also mention that for alignment purposes, for levels, I put the knee on manual at 95%, to get everything on the correct IRE lines. The indoor preset is a solid 3200k, but as stated, the camera sees 3200k as several hundred kelvin higher. A significant problem to aligning these cameras is that they seem to think 3200k lighting is anywhere from 3600-3800k. There are independent phase and such setting revisions for each push to white memory, which you must separately calibrate on a scope. Unlike the CX900 and AX100, this camera cannot push to white properly once you calibrate the deep settings. I am having a lot of trouble with white balance calibration. I will put the little guy on a real scope later this week.


I used PixelConduit (free) which is a program that gives you a full set of scopes using the BlackMagic Mini-Recorder as the video input. This was just my "first round" of playing with the settings. DSC chart lit with 55watt Lowel IDLight 3200k indoor preset. Shot of CX900 is stock left, adjusted right. Top are stock PP4 REC709, bottom are the adjustments. See below for some comparisons, and the ITU709 setting adjustments to achieve these 3200k preset correction.


The vector colors still cannot be pointed at the correct locations, unless I am missing a menu setting. I am not good on the terminology here, but there are no rotation controls, only a phase control, and that is all I could adjust for. I was able to correct the levels on the waveform, and rotate the entire vector image, but only from a hinge point on green. So I spent a little time putting the X70 on the scope to try and massage it a little.

#Pixelconduit skin

After a few nights of shooting in the field, it became obvious my new X70 suffers the exact same picture (color) defects as my X900, including yellow skin tone, and blue flashing lights that look green.
